D2007 design packages in TMS VCL UI Pack aree uloadable bz Delphi

Today (september 11 2024) I installed VCL UI pack latest version via TMS subscription manager.
After install in D2007, it turned out that design time packages cannot
be loaded in the ide.
All contained unit DBTable, which is already present
in the box Delphi package BDERTL100.
What to do?

Looks like packages for D2007, unlike packages for D7, do nor require standard "bdertl" Delphi package. That's why in D7 TMS VCL UI pack installed just fine.

We will fix this for the next update.
To install this package for now in your IDE, open TMSVCLUIPackPkgD2007.dproj, add in the requires list bdertl.dcp and then build this package.

Hi Bruno, many thanks for your reply! I was wondering whether this problem is real or I just missed something. I can easily wait for next update, I hate to make unofficial fixes in third party libraries unless absolutely necessary.

The problem was on our side.
Recent changes we made to make TMS VCL UI Pack work with TMS Smart Setup caused this for Delphi 2007 specifically.
The next update will address this.

I'm having issues with TMSVCLUIPackSetupReg v13.1.7.2 not installing packages in XE. They do work in D12.

Do you install with classic installer or smart setup?
In both cases, please send the installer log file via direct email (NOT here - for security reasons) so we can inspect what went wrong on your machine during install.

Classic installer. There were no errors during installation. I will email you the log file.

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