Crash in WebLIB.Grids when changing the number of rows

This morning I received a problem report mentioning that a grid containing an invoice overview only displayed a single row instead of the required number of rows. The production version indeed showed that problem, but in debug mode everything worked as expected.

During the investigation of the cause, I noticed that the problem was due to the code optimization option, which is ON when compiling in Release mode and OFF in debug mode. I recreated the same problem using a small demo program, attached here: (1.4 MB)

When compiled for DEBUG and making sure the WEB CORE option "Enable optimization" is OFF (i.e. the normal debug settings), the program runs as expected, including the changing of rows:

However, when compiled for DEBUG and making sure the WEB CORE option "Enable optimization" is ON, the program crashes when changing the number of rows:

The crash appeared to be in WEBLIB.GRIDS, line 5053

I don't know if this happened in a recent previous version. Currently I am using the latest version V2.2.2.1:

Thanks for looking into this problem. For moment I used a workaround by compiling for RELEASE in which I turned OFF the "Enable optimization" option. This produced a larger js file, but loading is was not significantly slower.

We have internally already fixed this issue. Next update will address this.