Control for messaging app

I've created a specialized app as a companion to our flagship desktop app. App pulls from the same database and displays an abbreviated real time view of status info that is of value to the user.

The main control is the TTMSFMXTableViewEx. I display a list of items; user taps an item and brings up the detail view. The detail view is a TFrame loaded down with content. The bottom third of the detail view is a rectangle with buttons. 

One of those buttons will be tapped to activate a messaging app. I've been searching through the TMS Firemonkey pack controls - there are a lot of them! - but haven't figured out which one, two or three would best be used for this.

The quantity of text won't be limited, but the display should contain a quantity of text that is similar to a tweet.

The back end messaging will be a multi-tier framework, and the messaging app will only allow internal communication with other connected users. 

I want to have the option to display an image of the poster to the left of the text. 

I'll need a text entry area and bring up the keyboard.

I'll need an address area, and be able to do something akin to a type ahead concept that looks up addresses in a table and allows the user to choose one as they are typing.

I'll need to let it take over the detail view of the afore mentioned app, and have an exit hotspot/button etc. metaphor that brings the user back to the main detail view with the button array at the bottom third of the screen.

It looks as if the TTMSFMXListEditor might be a good candidate for part of the address section. 

I will probably have to do something with the TTMSFMXMemo for the editor section.

The message list is perhaps the one that is eluding me right now. I was thinking of maybe a TScrollbox and inserting TTMSFMXText objects for the messages; but can that display an avatar?

Anyway, any advice / direction that you can provide will be greatly appreciated.


You could use a TTMSFMXHTMLText as messages which is able to display images with the <img> tag, based on a bitmapcontainer source.