Looking for a component to display text

Hi everyone,

I am looking for a component like TRichText to display text that can be underlined,  bold, highlighted. Change the color of the words and the underlines. Need to be able to use it with Firemonkey and be iOS and android friendly.  Do not need to be able to edit the data, just display it so users can read it.

The data can be rich text, html, html with css as long as I can display it on a mobile app.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.



We have recently released an update of TMS iCL that includes a rich editing and displaying component, but unfortunately we do not yet have an equivalent for Android as this component is based on the native UITextView component.

More information and a sample can be found on http://www.tmssoftware.com/site/tmsicl.asp

Kind Regards,