Compile ERROR with XDATA

I can't compile Web Client with XDATA, I am getting the following error in Delphi XE 10.3.2

[Fehler] XData.Web.Client.pas(7): can't find unit "Bcl.Rtti.Common"

It is a complete reinstallation.

I have installed the following products;

FNC Components
VCL UI Components
Instrumentation Worksshop

You will need to install the TMS Busines Core Library, as the missing unit is a part of that package I believe.

I have already installed the Business Core Library, have it installed again without effect. However, the installation error occurred while compiling MACOS64. Only when I deselected this option could the application be compiled afterwards.


If you have a Delphi 10.3.x Rio version without MacOS64 support, this option indeed needs to be disabled.