CheckGroup's check item gets unchecked after PopUp form closes

Hi Bruno,

I made a demo to address an issue on TWebCheckGroup. So here are the steps I did:

  1. I dropped a TWebCheckGroup onto mainform. A OnCheckClick event was added into CheckGroup.
  2. When I click checkgroup, a popup form is created. On AfterShowModal if Avalue is mrOk, I set below:

WebCheckGroup1.Items.Strings[AIndex] := WebCheckGroup1.Items.Strings[AIndex] + PopupForm.WebEdit1.text;

Then the problem is each time after the popup closes, check group's item gets unchecked automatically.

Just wonder if you could give me a workaround for that? Here is the demo:
96. (1.5 MB)


We traced & solved this issue. The next update will address this.