Cannot place a TMSFNCDataGrid in a Form when there's a TMSFNCBadge

When a for has a TMSFNCBadge, trying to place/paste a TMSFNCDatagrid makes Delphi halt and close with no error messages.
Same behaviour in Delphi 11 & Delphi 12, in 2 devices.

Steps to reproduce:
1 - Please test with attached project.
Open the project.
It's just a Form with a badge.

2-Try to place a new FNCDataGrid.
It will halt.

3-Open the project again, delete the badge (no need to delete FNCBadge from the uses clause), and then you'll be able to place the DataGrid.

4-After placing the DataGrid, you can put a badge again.
But then, if you try to place another DataGrid, or even copy/paste the same DataGrid, it'll halt.

FNCDataGrid (89.4 KB)

Thanks for reporting, issue is fixed. Next version of TMS FNC UI Pack will address this.