Access violation in fmx270.bpl with TMSFNCGrid

This should reproduce the error:

  1. Add a TMSFMXGrid to the form (I'm in the process of migrating to FNC)
  2. Add a TMSFNCGrid to a form
  3. set it to only two columns
  4. make those two columns ctCheckBox
  5. 0 Fixed Columns
  6. assign some code to an event (OnCellCheckBoxClick will do but also with other events)
  7. save

Then when I switch backwards and forwards between code/design at some point when switching to design I get a series Delphi error

Access violation at address 0AC03AEF in module 'fmx270.bpl'.
Read of address 00000010.

I have to delete the FNC component to get things working again.


We are able to reproduce this and are currently looking into the issue. Thanks for reporting!


We have applied a fix, the next version will address this.

Thanks Pieter. Is there anything I can do now before the new version? I can workaround it if not.


Unfortunately we cannot release an update right away, as we are currently testing a new version and adding new content. The next version is planned for next week.

the fix is in FMX.TMSFNCCustomGrid.pas and involves moving a couple of lines of code:

Incorrect code:

          cell := FCellArray[ci, ri];
          if Assigned(cell) and IsBaseCell(c, r) then
            rctl := RectF(cell.Left, cell.Top, cell.Left + cell.Width, cell.Top + cell.Height);
            rt := cell.GetTextRect;
            {$IFDEF LCLLIB}
            InflateRectEx(rt, -4, -2);
            {$IFNDEF LCLLIB}
            InflateRectEx(rt, -2, -2);
            if cell is TTMSFNCCheckGridCell then
              (cell as TTMSFNCCheckGridCell).ControlBitmap := GetCheckBoxBitmap((cell as TTMSFNCCheckGridCell).Checked, False);

            if cell is TTMSFNCRadioGridCell then
              (cell as TTMSFNCRadioGridCell).ControlBitmap := GetRadioButtonBitmap((cell as TTMSFNCRadioGridCell).Checked, False);

            if cell is TTMSFNCNodeGridCell then
              (cell as TTMSFNCNodeGridCell).ControlBitmap := GetNodeBitmap((cell as TTMSFNCNodeGridCell).State);

            if cell is TTMSFNCButtonGridCell then
              (cell as TTMSFNCButtonGridCell).ControlBitmap := GetDummyButtonBitmap(cell as TTMSFNCButtonGridCell);

            if not dr then

            cell.Draw(AGraphics, dr, dr, True);

Corrected code:

          cell := FCellArray[ci, ri];
          if Assigned(cell) and IsBaseCell(c, r) then
            rctl := RectF(cell.Left, cell.Top, cell.Left + cell.Width, cell.Top + cell.Height);

            if cell is TTMSFNCCheckGridCell then
              (cell as TTMSFNCCheckGridCell).ControlBitmap := GetCheckBoxBitmap((cell as TTMSFNCCheckGridCell).Checked, False);

            if cell is TTMSFNCRadioGridCell then
              (cell as TTMSFNCRadioGridCell).ControlBitmap := GetRadioButtonBitmap((cell as TTMSFNCRadioGridCell).Checked, False);

            if cell is TTMSFNCNodeGridCell then
              (cell as TTMSFNCNodeGridCell).ControlBitmap := GetNodeBitmap((cell as TTMSFNCNodeGridCell).State);

            if cell is TTMSFNCButtonGridCell then
              (cell as TTMSFNCButtonGridCell).ControlBitmap := GetDummyButtonBitmap(cell as TTMSFNCButtonGridCell);

            if not dr then

            rt := cell.GetTextRect;
            {$IFDEF LCLLIB}
            InflateRectEx(rt, -4, -2);
            {$IFNDEF LCLLIB}
            InflateRectEx(rt, -2, -2);

            cell.Draw(AGraphics, dr, dr, True);