Cannot compile TMSWebCore

Errors in WEBLib.Forms ($IF COMPILERVERSION>= 35) ....

WEBLib.ComCtrls.pas(679,32) Error: Incompatible type for arg no. 1: Got "TBrushStyle", expected "TFPBrushStyle"


fpc-3.2.2 64bit on linux, tested with fpc-3.2.2 32bit under win32 - same problem.

I'm not sure why you see a renamed TFPBrushStyle while the framework should use TBrushStyle.
We'll need to check this with the Lazarus team.

I've commented code with ($IF COMPILERVERSION>= 35) in WebLib.Forms (thought it's delphi specific so I don't need it), but next error come with TBrushStyle ...

We're investigating.
Can you try to change in WEBLib.Graphics.pasn, line 245,246 to:

TBrushStyle = TFPBrushStyle;
TPenStyle = TFPPenStyle;

I'm having the same issue under Windows 10. Reported already on February 8. this year.

We did adaptions that will be included in the next release.

Are these fixes in the today's release?


Searching for TFPBrushStyle led me to this thread
I am trying to install webcore with Lazarus 2.2.2 / FPC 3.2.2
Getting a compile error.
Compile package TMSWEBCorePkgLibLaz 1.8.2: Exit code 1, Errors: 4
WEBLib.Graphics.pas(245,17) Error: Identifier not found "TFPBrushStyle"
WEBLib.Graphics.pas(245,30) Error: Error in type definition
WEBLib.Graphics.pas(246,15) Error: Identifier not found "TFPPenStyle"
WEBLib.Graphics.pas(246,26) Error: Error in type definition

We already fixed this internally.
Next update will address this.


WEBLib.Graphics.pas(245,17) Error: Identifier not found "TFPBrushStyle"
WEBLib.Graphics.pas(245,30) Error: Error in type definition
WEBLib.Graphics.pas(246,15) Error: Identifier not found "TFPPenStyle"
WEBLib.Graphics.pas(246,26) Error: Error in type definition

These errors are still present in version while trying to install webcore in Lazarus 2.3.0. I have also tried 2.0.2 as per the install video. When can we see an update that includes a fix for this or can you give me a fix that I can apply myself?

This is due to a breaking change that was done in LCL.
This will be fixed in TMS WEB Core v2.0 that we are working on.
To fix for now, add this in WEBLib.Graphics.pas for Lazarus:

TBrushStyle = TFPBrushStyle;
TPenStyle = TFPPenStyle;