How can I call a form function from onclick in a HTML template ?
I suggest to do it the other way around, it is easier.
From your Pascal code, you add an event listener on the anchor HTML element (give it an ID)
document.getElementbyId(anchorid).addEventListener('click', @yourPascalHandler);
I checked this out added this to a button click
in the debugger it is identifying the element correctly.
Why do you use double-quotes for "Clicklink1" ? and "click" ?
The double quotes line is commented. But I tried all combinations before coming back to you.
Thanks for informing a solution was found.
This has stopped working after the new update
I cannot make sense of this problem report.
You mention you see the error in this.ShowInpBiocide and in your ASM blockk I cannot see anything related to ShowInpBiocide
ShowInpBiocide is not a function of TMS WEB Core, so it must be somewhere in your code.
No I just put in a small part of the code
I was waiting for the fnc grid issue to get resolved and thanks to Carona I go some breathing space too. So I have not really worked on this issues till today
With just some partial code snippets, I cannot make sense of it.
Please isolate this and prepare a full project sample project with source + step by step info how to reproduce it and email it to support so we can investigate.
I created the demo program as you requested. But found it working there. I went back to my program. Cleared the browser cache, cleaned and compiled again and it worked.
Ok, thanks for informing