Bug in Subscription manager, a few icons lack or is not able to reinstall activate the reinstallation icon

After installing TMS Datamodeler and have restarted subscription maanger, the installation/reinstallastion icos has disappeared completely. I need to open registry and remove the Daata modeler from installed packages to do new installations if I stumble some bugs.

During installation of the updated version of TMS Flexcel for VCL and RMX, the installaton failed when the Delphi 10.4.2 was done but was able to instakk if I unchecked the 10.4.2 version and only installed for Delphi 11.
Since I got a long error message for the failed installation, I wanted to do a new installation for all, but the reintall icon was dead and nothing happened at all.
Checking the error messages for eent dialog, there was no reported fails like the click on the icon generated a faili\ure in ike delphi.
After restart of installer, the icon for reinstall disappeared completely, but returned after another component had been updated,

But the reinstall icon is still dead and maybe I must remove the registry installed component in order to do a reinstall ?

Seems to be a bug/not reported feature ??

Do you use multiple windows user accounts / user account restrictions or anything that could cause that the installer writes in a different HKCU than the TMS Subscription Manager looks at?

No, I use only one user account for Delphi

Run the TMS Subscription Manager under the normal Windows user account (NO elevation or NOT run as admin).
Then inspect as this same normal Windows user the registry under HKCU\Software\tmssoftware\PRODUCTNAME
If there are no entries, there is a mismatch between the Windows user account with which you install the software and the account with which you run TMS Subscription Manager.
If there are entries for products with which you see a problem, compare these with registry entries for which you do not see a problem in TMS Subscription Manager.

As far as I can see, the registry entry is correct

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\TMSSoftware\TMS Data Modeler]
"Code"="The password registered"

There should be a registry value under this key

and the file InstallDir\unins000.exe should exist before the uninstall icon is shown.

If this isn't the case, there must have been an issue with the installer of the product.