With the SQL:
SELECT * FROM ADR WHERE ( ADR.Advorname LIKE 'R%' OR ADR.Advorname LIKE 'I%') AND ( ADR.Adname LIKE 'U%' OR ADR.Adname LIKE 'O%')
We get the following error when importing from TatMetaSQL.
We use this source code:
procedure TForm1.BtnSqlStringAddClick(Sender: TObject); begin MetaSql.Clear; SQLStringToMetaSQL (MemoFelder.Text, MetaSql); MemoSQL.Text := MetaSQL.SQL; end;
The bracket placement in this example is definitely needed because otherwise the logic changes.
Best regards.
(Wagner Landgraf)
February 11, 2018, 8:31pm
That function is targeted for internal use in Query Studio, and it was not intended to be a fully-functional SQL parser. Indeed, unfortunately, such expression construction is not supported by the parser.
Is there any way to create such a query with
If not, is it possible to
implement this functionality?
(Wagner Landgraf)
February 13, 2018, 12:28pm
Here is a code that constructs such meta sql:
CondA, CondA1, CondA2: TatSQLCondition;
CondB, CondB1, CondB2: TatSQLCondition;
AdvOrName, Adname: TatSQLField;
atMetaSQL1.SQLTables.Add.TableName := 'ADR';
AdvOrName := atMetaSQL1.SQLFields.Add;
AdvOrName.FieldName := 'Advorname';
AdvOrName.DataType := ftString;
AdvOrName.Active := False;
AdvOrName.TableAlias := 'ADR';
AdName := atMetaSQL1.SQLFields.Add;
AdName.FieldName := 'Adname';
AdName.DataType := ftString;
AdName.Active := False;
AdName.TableAlias := 'ADR';
CondA := atMetaSQL1.Conditions.Add;
CondA.SubConditionsLogicalOper := lgOr;
CondA.ConditionType := ctSubConditions;
CondA1 := CondA.SubConditions.Add;
CondA1.FieldAlias := 'Advorname';
CondA1.&Operator := 'LIKE';
CondA1.Value := 'R%';
CondA2 := CondA.SubConditions.Add;
CondA2.FieldAlias := 'Advorname';
CondA2.&Operator := 'LIKE';
CondA2.Value := 'I%';
CondB := atMetaSQL1.Conditions.Add;
CondB.SubConditionsLogicalOper := lgOr;
CondB.ConditionType := ctSubConditions;
CondB1 := CondB.SubConditions.Add;
CondB1.FieldAlias := 'Adname';
CondB1.&Operator := 'LIKE';
CondB1.Value := 'U%';
CondB2 := CondB.SubConditions.Add;
CondB2.FieldAlias := 'Adname';
CondB2.&Operator := 'LIKE';
CondB2.Value := 'O%';
// get the sql
SQL := atMetaSQL1.SQL;