Bootstrap template handling events


I have a question regarding Bootstrap template based application, handling dropdown button and navigation events (or any other bootstrap event on the html element):

I have a bootstrap dropdown button on my html template with sub menus.
To handle the click events of those submenu links I drop a weblink component on the form and handle the event, usual stuff.

But as I override the click event of the dropdown element its original Bootstrap event handler is not called so the dropdown is left open. For a solution I have the following code:

//Basically I manually close the dropdown.
divOtherBtnGroup.ElementClassName := 'btn-group';
btnOther.ElementHandle['aria-expanded'] := 'false';
divOtherDropdownMenu.ElementClassName := 'dropdown-menu';

How I can get rid of manually closing the dropdown and let this task back to Bootstrap.js?
Some kind of event delegation back to original handler.

Note: On the event listeners of the Chrome devtools those Bootstrap listeners are attached to the element along with TMS rtl event listeners but never get called.

Thanks in advance.

  1. Is the control you bind to enabled?
  2. Try to remove eeClick from control.EventStopPropagation (set property)
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