Automatic archiving "TMS / Products / Demos / xx" into a 7z

As a subscriber of the All-Access product from TMSSoftware, I've had stressful problems with what to do with the demo projects I was testing. Of course, I not only often tried them out but also modified, adapted, and improved them.

And as it often happens, I didn't save them outside of xx\Products\xx\Demos\xx. At least not always... So, what happens during an update?
(Hats off to TMS for frequent updates. That's great.)
I forget.. So I update one or more TMS theme, and... Boom!
In seconds, I lost hours of work and research!
Instead of my experiments, the original xx\Products\xx\Demos\xx are there!
And even if I only lost dozens to hundreds of compiled *.exe files, it would still be a big sorrow.
Fortunately, that's in the past.
Thanks to AI and hours of experimenting and testing, I have a Power Shell script.
There are now two 7z archives:
"archive_YYYY-MM-DD_HH-MM-SS.7z" - all libraries xx\Products\xx\Demos\xx in a single file (207 MB)
"archive_exe_YYYY-MM-DD_HH-MM-SS.7z" - all libraries xx\Products\xx\Demos\xx in a single file with a filter applied for *.exe existence (91 MB)
The second archive is smaller because it contains such xx\Products\xx\Demos\xx, where I have already compiled the sample projects.
Thanks to batch writing to 7z, the whole process takes only a few seconds!
Before each update, you just need to click once... Or click again just for the "exe content." Thanks to the dates, I will be able to navigate, and also thanks to the current Windows Explorer support for 7z file types.
If there is interest, I can send the script (in the form of *.ps1, which is actually text).
Best regards,

Installation of the official 7-Zip program is required