AppStyle overriding

Hi there,
IN the manual there is info how to override AppStyle settings, for single component:

procedure TForm2.AdvFormStyler1ApplyStyle(Sender: TObject; AComponent: TComponent; var Allow: Boolean);
Allow := not (AComponent is TAdvSmoothListBox);

It works well on components placed on form during designtime, but i can't magage to get it work with dynamically created controls (e.g. TAdvSmoothPanel)
All created controls change style to AppStyle, althought i change some settings during creation.
There is TAdvFormStyler on the form and TAdvAppStyler on DM, both set to AutoThemeAdapt:=true.
How could i  override style in that situation ?
Thanks in advance

Please do further customizations to component settings from the TAdvFormStyler.OnAppliedStyle event. This event is called when all automatic styling was applied.

Well thank You, it works now, i should've thiought about it !