AdvSmoothListBox and Bubble Pattern

I reposted this question because it's a question on its own and my original question was a reply.... :)

I am trying to achieve the same bubble effect for a chat using the
TAdvSmoothListBox, however, I can't seem to set the width of an Item.
Bubbles is described but how to achieve it is not. Currently, I can set
the Items.Indent to an integer to indent, but if I could set the width
of the Item to something smaller than the width of the listbox, this
would work. I don't see any way to do this. I have attached a picture of
what I am trying to emulate. Is there also a way to set the color for different Items as in the image?


The Bubbe message list and how this is achieved is demonstrated in the Advanced Smooth ListBox & ComboBox Demo included in the distribution.