AdvMemo.Findtext and WrapAtEndofFile

I am using the WrapAtEndofFile option of AdvFindDialog. However, I want to provide support for F3. My action handler for F3 contains:   Memo1.findtext(AdvMemoFindDialog1.findtext, AdvMemoFindDialog1.Options);

The problem is that I want to have F3 cause the search to wrap at the end of file and there does not seem to be an overload of FindText that allows this option to be specified. Could you create an overload that provides this option? Otherwise it is rather difficult to provide F3 support that is consistent with the full search dialog if WrapAtEndofFile is enabled in the dialog.

Thank you!       

You can do the search wrap function from your F3 key handler, i.e.:

procedure TForm1.AdvMemo1KeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
  Shift: TShiftState);
  i: integer;
  if key = vk_F3 then
    i := AdvMemo1.FindText(AdvMemoFindDialog1.FindText, AdvMemoFindDialog1.Options);
    if (i = -1) and (AdvMemo.CurY > 0) then
      AdvMemo1.CurX := 0;
      AdvMemo1.CurY := 0;
      i := AdvMemo1.FindText(AdvMemoFindDialog1.FindText, AdvMemoFindDialog1.Options);

Thank you!