Issues with "Wrap at End of File" & DisplayMessage

1. When "wrap at end of file" and DisplayMessage are enabled when using advmemo + advmemofinddiaolog + advfinddialog, a "text not found" message
appears when the bottom of the file is reached, rather than when the search returns to the starting point. The issue is also present in the advmemofindreplacedialog.

2. When "wrap at end of file" is enabled and DisplayMessage is disabled when using advmemo + advmemofinddiaolog + advfinddialog, the search continues endlessly rather than stopping when the starting point is reached. The issue is also present in the advmemofindreplacedialog.

3. When "wrap at end of file" is disabled and DisplayMessage is enabled and the end of the file is reached, the last instance of the 
search term is deselected. If the Find button is again clicked, the last instance is selected again. This is a bit unexpected -- for example,
MS Notepad leaves the term selected and continued clicking of the button displays the "not found" message with every click,.

4. Disable "wrap at end of file"  and enable DisplayMessage. Enter following text in the memo:
1 1

Find 1 until the not found message is displayed. Click find again. Result: the first "1" in the second line is selected. Expected behavior would be for the 2nd "1" on the 2nd line to remain selected to display the "not found" message.

  1. The message is displayed when the end of the document is reached.
    2. When the end of the document is reached and Find is clicked again, it restarts from the start of the document
    3. I cannot reproduce this.
    4. Same as 2.

I think maybe you misunderstood issue #4 in my initial post. To restate:

DISABLE wrap at end of file and Enable Displaymessage.
Enter the following text:
1 1

Search for "1". After the end of file message, click find again and you will see that the first "1" of the SECOND line is selected, Why does the "1" at the beginning of the line get selected? Shouldn't the second "1" on the second line get selected?

Sorry my initial post wasn;t more clear.

Here is a video illustrating the problem:!71028&authkey=!AA5TCCc9Y8sdngw&ithint=video%2cavi I would be happy to post source code if that would help.

We fixed this issue. Next update will address this.