AdvInputTaskDialog with checkbox option


I would like to use AdvInputTaskDialog with checkbox option.

Version 1: .AdvInputTaskDialog.VerifyResult

I preset the AdvInputTaskDialog.VerifyResult:=true before AdvInputTaskDialog.Execute.
Seemingly ok, but in screen the checkbox is unchecked.

Version 2: AdvInputTaskDialog.Inputcontrol

I set AdvInputTaskDialog.InputControl:=AdvOfficeCheckbox, and AdvInputTaskDialog.inputType:=itCustom, and AdvInputTaskDialog.Defaultbutton:=101 (=other CustomButton).
This work, but the deault button not the AdvInputTaskDialog.Defaultbutton, but AdvOfficeCheckbox.

Note: AdvOfficeCheckbox.TabStop=false.

Windows 7, XE, TMS CP

  1. This is fixed. Next update will address this.
    2. We have not been able here to reproduce that TAdvOfficeCheckBox is the default button? Can you provide more details?

Hmm, possible, only the AdvFocusHelper the wicked.
I try made a sample, only  AdvInputTaskDialog, 
AdvOfficeCheckBox, and AdvFocushelper.
Seemingly (focushelper) the AdvOfficeCheckBox the default.
If AdvFocusHelper absent, of inactive, everything OK.

I have retested this here with a default TAdvInputTaskDialog, TAdvFocusHelper & TAdvOfficeCheckBox on the form and the code:

procedure TForm5.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  AdvInputTaskDialog1.InputType := itCustom;
  AdvInputTaskDialog1.InputControl := AdvOfficeCheckBox1;
  AdvInputTaskDialog1.Title := 'Checkbox';
  AdvInputTaskDialog1.Content := 'Some content';

and I cannot reproduce a problem. Please contact us by email & provide some sample source project with which we can reproduce this issue here.

Yes, your simple sample do same:the focushelper's marker silhouette on the AdvOfficeCheckBox1.

In TMS CP too.

Which is normal. When TAdvFocusHelper is used and a control has focus, it will be marked by TAdvFocusHelper

"When TAdvFocusHelper is used and a control has focus, it will be marked by TAdvFocusHelper"
But AdvOfficeCheckBox1 cannot get the focus !
It's TabStop=false, and the default the OK button. The OK buttons must get the TAdvFocusHelper's marker when start the program, instead of AdvOfficeCheckBox1.

When push the TAB, the OK button get the marker, and after, the AdvOfficeCheckBox1 never get the marker, it's normal..

We have applied an improvement for this. Next update will have this improvement.