Hello, I have 3 AdvStringgrid component on my form. After I have upgraded tms cp to 8.6.00 version, I cannot compile my code, it gives an error written below:
[ilink32 Error] Error: Unresolved external "StrCmpLogicalW" referenced from C:\USERS\GOKSEL\DOCUMENTS\TMSSOFTWARE\TMS COMPONENT PACK\BUILDERXE4\WIN32\RELEASE\TMSDXE4.LIB|AdvGrid
I have tried to uninstall and install it again but
nothing changed.
I have noticed that if I put a advstringgrid component on a new form on a new project and select c++ builder xe4 link with runtime packages is checked it compiles. But if I uncheck it it fails to compile and gives the same error massage (.....Unresolved external "StrCmpLogicalW" reference....) again.
In the privious version we do not have a problem like that.