add library in runtime

how i can add Library to a script at runtime and use those functions at runtime.

What do you mean by adding a library at runtime? There are plenty of things you can do with scripter, you can register classes, methods, functions, procedures or even call dll functions. For example:

i mean at script runtime

fscripter := TatPascalScripter.Create(nil);

fscripter.SourceCode := somestring;



i mean if i can add Library in somestring ;

and use Library in somestring ;

samestring :=

' line 1 code '

' line 2 code '

' addlibrary_A here '

' use functions in Library_A here '

' end of somestring '

and in somestring , i use

interpret() to exec code

I still don't know what you mean by a library? If you want to access Delphi stuff (objects, classes, methods, etc.) you must pre-register them in scripter.

this example show how we can add functions at design time to execute them at runtime

i want to add functions at runtime to use them at runtime

Still don't get it. What do you mean by "design-time"? That function is executed at runtime in your Delphi application. You can DefineClassByRTTI(SomeClass) and that class is registered to be used in scripter. Such call is executed when the application is running. You can even find a TClass by name using Delphi function FindClass. So I'm lost here. Please elaborate.

my designtime code :


function exec_code : boolean;


fscripter := TatPascalScripter.Create(nil);

fscripter.SourceCode := memo.text;




procedure Tfmscript.btnexeClick(Sender: TObject);





runtime code :

in my memo i put :

stra := 'hello';     

somestring := 'showmessage(stra)' ;

interpret(somestring) ;

-> thats work and i get a hello popup

now i want to add more functions in the memo

somestring1 := 'function_A here' ;

somestring2 := 'code that call function_A in somestring1' ;

interpret(somestring1 + somestring2) ;

-> work good again

now i want to use function in somestring1 by calling directly from the memo

somestring1 := 'function_A here' ;

interpret(somestring1) ;


-> dont work

how i can register the function_A from my memo

and use it

do not use interpret. You can simply create a Delphi function that takes a script source code and create a new script in scripter (pseudo-code);


registernewscrifpt from delphi does something like this:

NewScript := Scripter.Scripts.Add;
NewScript.SourceCode := ParamValue;

but to be honest, this was not tested and I'm not sure if it works find while the script is already running. 

dont work here.