Load Library from DLL.


It is possible to register a Library(TatScripterLibrary) from a DLL. I'm looking for the posibility to extend functionality to my App with out recompiling to add the Library to be used on the script.

Thanks in advance,

Omar Zelaya

You can import DLL functions with TMS Scripter:



Additional to functions I would also need to import classes. I was looking that instead of defining script classs I could import them from DLL or BPL.

Thanks in Advance,

Omar Zelaya

I'm not sure what do you mean by importing classes from DLL? How does that work in Delphi itself?


I mean define class by using "DefineClassByRTTI" in dll/bpl code to be able to use the class in scripter without recompiling main code.

Thanks in advance,

Omar Zelaya

I don't think this is safe to do, for that you will have to share the same instance of scripter component between the DLL and the host application, and also both should be compiled with the exact same scripter version.

Maybe it's safer to accomplish that using runtime BPLs.