Access violation with new column in FNCDataGrid

I used your demo UBiolifeClientDataSet. I added new column to TMSFNCDataGridDatabaseAdapter1 (Column 8). In TMSFNCDataGrid1 I set Column Type to gcitButton. After running application I click on new column and start navigation with arrow keys. Access violation error appear. I'm getting the same error with any other column type. Can you look at this problem, please. I'm working with version on Delphi 11.3 VCL.


We're able to reproduce this, next version will have this fixed. Thanks for reporting!

Thanks for quick response. I have one more observation, perhaps related to the previously described case. On TMSFNCDataGrid1 I added event OnCellButtonClick

procedure TForm130.TMSFNCDataGrid1CellButtonClick(Sender: TObject; AColumn, ARow: Integer);
  CR: TTMSFNCDataGridCellCoord;
  CR.Column := AColumn;
  CR.Row := ARow;
  TMSFNCDataGrid1.FocusedCell := CR;
  MessageDlg(ClientDataSet1.FieldByName('Species Name').AsString, mtInformation, [mbOK], 0);

It move the focus to the selected row and display the contents of the field "Species Name". Now when I click the button a message box appears but the button disappears. Please take a look at it.



Only the first fix made it in the release. The second one will be for the version after that. We are planning on releasing an update tomorrow.