Access to Public Folders / other Mailboxes with TTMSFMXCloudOutlookMail

Hi There,
is ist possible to read Public Folders or other Mailboxes given to the User.
I Only see my Folder in my account.



By default only personal mail folders are accessible.

You can allow access to shared folders by adding one of the following scopes to the list of Scopes:

Please note that you'll have to clear any existing access tokens and re-authenticate first.

i have done, but i only see my personal folders...

I use the delivered demo, and i have entered the values in the Scope property.
I deleted the outlook ini, but there are in the folder-list only my folders !


Can you see the extra folders in the Outlook web-interface?

I see the favorits of the Public Folders.
To open a shared Mailbox, i have to open the Mailbox on my Icon in the upper right corner.

Unfortunately shared mailboxes are currently not supported.
We'll have to investigate if this feature can be supported in the future.