Ability to suppress the undo arrow (Code Included)

When editing a polygon, you can grab a side with your mouse and drag it so to edit the paths. When you do that, an undo arrow becomes available, but just once (you don't see it after further edits. Clicking on the undo arrow doesn't actually undo anything. 

Since it appears to not be of any use, I would like to request a feature change that would hide it. 

In UWebGMapsConst.pas, add the following parameter to the createMapPolygon function...

                ' function createMapPolygon(clickable, editable, paths, bgcolor, bordercolor, borderwidth, bgopacity, borderopacity, visible, geodesic, zindex, ptype, centerlat, centerlng, radius, nelat, nelng, swlat, swlng) {' + #13 +
                '   if (ptype == "circle") {' + #13 +
                '   var center = new google.maps.LatLng(parseFloat(centerlat),parseFloat(centerlng));' + #13 +
                '   var circleOptions = ' +
                '{ map: map, clickable: clickable, editable: editable , center: center, radius: radius , fillColor: bgcolor , ' +
                'fillOpacity: bgopacity, strokeColor: bordercolor, strokeWeight: borderwidth, strokeOpacity: borderopacity, visible: visible, zIndex: zindex };' + #13 +
                '   var polygon = new google.maps.Circle(circleOptions);' + #13 +
                '   } else if (ptype == "rectangle") {' + #13 +
                '   var bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds(new google.maps.LatLng(swlat, swlng), new google.maps.LatLng(nelat, nelng));' + #13 +
                '   var rectOptions = ' +
                '{ map: map, clickable: clickable, editable: editable , bounds: bounds , fillColor: bgcolor , ' +
                'fillOpacity: bgopacity, strokeColor: bordercolor, strokeWeight: borderwidth, strokeOpacity: borderopacity, visible: visible, zIndex: zindex };' + #13 +
                '   var polygon = new google.maps.Rectangle(rectOptions);' + #13 +
                '   } else {' + #13 +
                '   var polygonOptions = ' +
                '{ map: map, clickable: clickable, editable: editable , paths: paths , fillColor: bgcolor , ' +
                //<RD> Removes the undo arrow you see when editing a polygon (which doesn't actually undo anything)
                'suppressUndo: true, ' +
                'fillOpacity: bgopacity, strokeColor: bordercolor, strokeWeight: borderwidth, strokeOpacity: borderopacity, visible: visible, geodesic: geodesic, zIndex: zindex };' + #13 +
                '   var polygon = new google.maps.Polygon(polygonOptions);' + #13 +


I added the parameter in the else but you could also add so to suppress the undo for type circle and rectangle, but I am sure you get the idea.

The same could be added to polylines.



Thank you for your suggestion.
We'll investigate if this change can be implemented in a future version of TMS WebGMaps.