Suggestion: Polygon labels (code incl.)

I needed the ability to display a label on top of polygons. So I came up with the following code and respectfully ask this code be considered to be icluded in the WebGMaps product.

In WebGMapsConst.pas

First, declare a new array in which we will store the polygons info windows...

  '<script type="text/javascript">' + #13 +
  ' var allPolygonsInfoWindows = [];' + #13 +

Then add the following JavaScript routines to display/close the polygons info windows...

 ' function DisplayInfoWindow(aPolygonId, aLat, aLng, aCaption){ ' + #13 +
 '   var LatLong = new google.maps.LatLng(parseFloat(aLat),parseFloat(aLng));' + #13 +
 '   var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({polygonId: aPolygonId, position:LatLong, content:aCaption}); ' + #13 +
 ';' + #13 +
 '   allPolygonsInfoWindows.push(infowindow); ' + #13 +
 ' }' + #13 +
 ' ' + #13 +

 ' function CloseInfoWindow(aPolygonId){ ' + #13 +
 '   for (var i = 0; i < allPolygonsInfoWindows.length; i++){' + #13 +
 '     infowindow = allPolygonsInfoWindows;' + #13 +
 '     if (infowindow.polygonId == aPolygonId) {' + #13 +
 '       infowindow.close();' + #13 +
 '     }' + #13 +
 '   }' + #13 +
 ' }' + #13 +
 ' ' + #13 +

 ' function CloseAllPolygonsInfoWindows() '                     + #13 +
 ' { '                                                          + #13 +
 '    for (var i = 0; i < allPolygonsInfoWindows.length; i++)'  + #13 +
 '    {'                                                        + #13 +
 '     infowindow = allPolygonsInfoWindows;'                 + #13 +
 '       infowindow.close();'                                   + #13 +
 '    }'                                                        + #13 +
 ' }'                                                           + #13 +
 ' '                                                            + #13 +

In WebGMaps.pas

procedure TWebGMaps.DisplayInfoWindow(APolygonId: Integer; ALat, ALong: Double; ACaption: String);
  InvokeScript( Format( 'DisplayInfoWindow(%d, %.12f, %.13f, "%s" )',
                        [ APolygonId, ALat, ALong, ACaption ] ) );

procedure TWebGMaps.CloseAllPolygonsInfoWindows;
  InvokeScript( 'CloseAllPolygonsInfoWindows();' );

procedure TWebGMaps.CloseInfoWindow( APolygonId: Integer );
  InvokeScript( Format( 'CloseInfoWindow(%d)',
                        [ APolygonId ] ) );

The consumer of this code can then add the appropriate calls to display a label when a polygon is created/edited.

Kind Regards,


Thank you for your suggestion, we'll consider adding this functionality in a future version.