TMS Component Pack 64bit support in C++ XE5


The latest version of "TMS Component Pack" is possible "64bit build" in "C++ builder XE5"?
or supported only in Delphi XE5?


64bit support is for both C++Builder & Delphi.

Make sure to build the packages TMSDXE5.DPROJ & TMSEXDXE5.DPROJ in 64bit mode for use with C++Builder XE5.

How can I build the TMS Component Pack for C++ Builder XE5?

Here is my trial.
1. Installing C++ Builder XE5 trial version.
2. Installing TMS Component Pack for C++ Builder XE5. (check only C++ Builder XE5)
 -> "COMPILE FAILURE WITH ERROR" occured. (5 times)
3. C++ Builder XE5 open
4. "TMSDXE5.DPROJ" project file open
 -> "The project can not be loaded because the required personality Delphi.Personality is not available.." error occured.

TMS Component Pack installer won't work with a trial version of C++Builder XE5.
It requires the full version of C++Builder XE5 to be installed.

I replaced "the C++ Builder XE5 trial" to full version.
And tried to compiling 64bit project.

But, C++ Builder XE5 want the "tmsexdxe5.a" and "tmsdxe5.a".
As I know, that files come from 64bit build "tmsexdXE5.dproj" and "tmsdxe5.dproj".
but C++ Builder XE5 cannot open the "tmsexdXE5.dproj" and "tmsdxe5.dproj".

So, I try to 64bit build the "tmscxe5.cbproj"m "tmsdecxe5.cbproj", "tmsexcxe5.cbproj", "tmsxlscxe5.cbproj".
but that C++ Builder project files cannot add the "64bit platform".

In conclusion, 
1. How can I make the files? : "tmsexdxe5.a" and "tmsdxe5.a"
2. How can I "64bit build" the "TMS Component Pack" in "C++ Builder XE5"?

All I want is my project make 64bit build in C++ Builder XE5 with TMS Component Pack.

We wrote an article on this that you
can find here:

Thank you for your help.
Problem solved!