Wrong library path on install

Hi,every time I install your product (I use TMS subscription manager) the library path generated are wrong.
Example: xxxxx\TMS Aurelius\Packages\d12\.\Win32\Release
I must change every time deleting "\."

It also recreates and therefore duplicates the paths every time even if they already exist.


There is nothing wrong with that. The extra \. is no problem, and you shouldn't need to change it.

In any case, the existing installer will not receive further updates, the new installation process should be done with TMS Smart Setup.

I'm confused over moving from the subscription manager to the Smart Setup GUI. Are there any instructions on this? How is the path set as currently all of the subscription manager installs are in a custom path.

Yeah, this concerns me too. My first exposure to the smart setup function was with a BIZ subscription last year. I have all of my Delphi libraries under a custom folder c:\DelphiLibs.... I wasn't able to get the smart setup to honour those paths, so went back to the standard installers. If the standard installer is going away, we need some instructions on how to use smart setup keeping our existing paths.

What happened?

I'm not sure I understand the questions about path.
You can use TMS Smart Setup in any path you want. If you install it using the regular installer, it will just as which folder you want to install it, and that's where all products will be downloaded and located. If you use the portable version, just unzip the executables in the folder you want and that will also be where the products will be downloaded and located.

Are we meant to guess this? :grinning:

Also can't find the download in My Products. What's the link to the portable download?

Ok Wagner,
I will convert to the new Installer :-)

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Am I being thick?

  1. The TMS Subscription Manager data folder is: c:\Users\Ken\AppData\Local\tmssoftware If I run tmsgui.exe from this folder it reports that nothing is installed so where should I run it from to pick up the existing installs?

  2. When installing from the Subscription Manager it prompts for an installation folder. I always use c:\Pair. How do I tell smart setup to do the same?



Those are completely separated tools (Subscription Manager and Smart Setup). If you install a product via TMS Smart Setup, it will be downloaded/installed in the Smart Setup folder. If you install a product via Subscription Manager, it will be downloaded/installed in the Subscription Manager folder.

You can have both tools simultaneously - it's even needed by now, as some products are better installed with Smart Setup, while others are still not migrated to it.

Smart Setup folder is defined once, when you install it. After that, all products will be downloaded and installed in a subfolder of Smart Setup folder (more specifically, inside the Products subfolder).

I think it was very early days when I first tested this - there was no portable version as far as I remember. I'll try again with the newest smart setup apps.

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