With TMSFNCWebBrowser can you capture an entire page to a single screenshot?

I have used CaptureScreenShot to capture the visible image in a form to a bitmap, but to capture the entire page, I would normally resize the form, which was good, but not quite good enough. I'd now like to try to capture the entire page to a single image file regardless of the size of the TMSFNCWebBrowser in a form. I know that the width of the TMSVNCWebBrowser can affect the display of a page so based on a set width display, I'd like to capture the full length of the page in one image.

Thank you for any ideas.


We will have to investigate this further to see if we can find a possible solution.
Unfortunately, I don't have any time available for the moment. We will get back to you by the end of next week.

For the moment it doesn't seem possible to do this to an image.
You can however print the full page to a pdf (stream).