WebProgressBar position issue


The progres doesn't change position when we assign new value lower then 100.
Is this designed ?
If we change value when in between min and max it works.

procedure TForm25.WebTimer1Timer(Sender: TObject);
WebProgressBar1.Position := WebProgressBar1.Position + 5;
if WebProgressBar1.Position>100 then
WebProgressBar1.Position := 0; // When is Position is over 100 it doesn't reset to 0
WebLabel1.Caption := Format('%d / %d',[WebProgressBar1.Position,WebProgressBar1.Max]);

regards, Vojko

This is because WebProgressBar1.Position is limited to its Max setting.
So, even when you assign 105 to WebProgressBar1.Position and Max = 100, the position setting will be clamped to 100.
So, you would need to write your code as:

  p: integer;

  p := WebProgressBar1.Position + 5;
  if p > 100 then
    p := 0;

  WebProgressBar1.Position := p; // When is Position is over 100 it doesn't reset to 0

  WebLabel1.Caption := Format('%d / %d',[WebProgressBar1.Position,WebProgressBar1.Max]);

thank you,

  1. Position is not clamped to 100, but is 105 in
    WebLabel1.Caption := Format('%d / %d',[WebProgressBar1.Position,WebProgressBar1.Max]);

That's why I found it strange, otherwise I would know that the value doesn't get over 100.

  1. Also when WebProgressbar1 Position is in 105, we cannot reset it to 0 even in other separate button event. As it stays "glued" to this value (here 105).


You're correct. We have seen an issue with the property setter and fixed it.