WebElementActionList touchmove event Coordinates

First: TMS Web Core ist great! Thanks to your team for this product.

I have a question about WebElementActionList. If I see it correctly, multi-touch queries are better to handle with the WebElementActionList. The mouse events have sporadic errors in the coordinate transmission with multi-touch.

However, I don't currently know how to get the coordinates of the touch event for TouchMove when I use WebElemntActionList.

I played around a bit with the event parameter in onExecute, but to no avail.

I had imagined something like this, but I think I'm doing something wrong or have misunderstood the event parameter


Is there an example or more documentation somewhere on how to get the coordinates of the touch move?

I need this to build better controlbuttons for my little project. I usually build business applications. But you can't always just program databases, so I'm currently building a little Christmas jump'n'run game in my spare time with TMS Web Core.

It already runs quite well on Android (Pixel 8 Pro) and desktop, IPhone still has problems, but it seems to work. I'm still at the beginning.

Here you can see the current progress of the work:The Santa Game
It is designed as PWA, that works best if you use it with Android.


It all maps on the JavaScript TouchEvent object and the TouchList object

I suggest to check first te.lenght and then use te.touches from 0 to length - 1

As a help, send event to the browser console to inspect it

Cool game!

Thank you for your answer, I will check it out.

By the Way: The game will be an advent calendar at TheSantaGame.com and each door will be a level...assuming I finish in time :-)

Wonderful! We would very much like to spread the news about this app, possibly doing a blog for example to draw attention of other Delphi users to it. Let us know if this is ok or we can continue to discuss via direct email.

Of Course ist this possible. Both, spreading the news about the little game projekt and discuss via direct email.

I updated the work in progress: Santa Game

It is still not ready and not perfekt and keep in mind I use the project to develop a small framework for web games for myself.

You have access to my email?

Hi Ralf,
I do not have access to your email. Let me know your email address via direct message here.