Web Core 1.7.3 / Runtime packages

Dear Sirs,

is it possible to build vcl runtime package or similar (bpl) that contains web assembler (JavaScript) code (how)? The idea is to be able to include it in web application projects (build with packages).

For example (this will not compile because vcl assembler is not Javascript):
function BufferArrayToBytes(AInput: TJSArrayBuffer): TBytes;
Result = new Uint8Array(AInput);
Result := Result;

What is TMS Web Core (platform) compiler define macro?

What are TMSWEBLib.twcl and TMSRTL.twcl used for, Lazarus based packages maybe?

Kind Regards

You can use the define PAS2JS. This define is set when the pas2js compiler is used.
A .TWCL file is a compiled package that can install components in TMS WEB Core for Visual Studio Code.

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