User Email not confirmed, even though RequireConfirmedEmail is False

I have set TSphinxConfig.RequireConfirmedEmail to False.

During registration this is fine, and there is no need for the user to enter a validation code, which isn't sent anyway.

However, when using the reset password option we sometimes get "User email is not confirmed" raised an an exception. This is usually if the user takes a while (15 mins say) to enter the code. The login session is set to 1 hour and, looking at the Sphinx source, the code should be valid for 30 minutes.

Can you please provide exact steps to reproduce the issue.
I understand that you just wait in the form displayed in the screenshot for 15 minutes and then suddenly the message appears out of nothing?

TSphinxConfig.RequireConfirmedEmail to False
Launch the Sphinx login
Request a Password Reset
Wait 15 mins
enter code and submit
Error is returned

I think this isn't a time related issue, just a general reset password issue when RequireConfirmedEmail = False.

So when a user is created without RequireConfirmedEmail then email_confirmed = 0, makes sense

But this is what causes the issue when they try to reset their password. If we update the database to set it to 1, then the reset password works.

Indeed, it looks like it doesn't make sense to require a confirmed e-mail for reseting the password, even if the password reset token is sent via e-mail.

E-mail confirmation is an option of the developer of the application. We will remove that restriction.