UpdateBuilder update problem

UpdateBuilder tries to update indefinitely. I have downloaded version After starting UpdateBuilder it says there is newer version available. I confirm I want to use this new version. Update starts. No error message is displayed. After restarting UpdateBuilder it again says there is a new version available. This process can be repeated many times. If I cancel update application starts and displays version number in status bar. So it seems that update to silently failed. And this is reason for trying to update to version repeatedly.

Do you start the UpdateBuilder EXE directly from a folder where it has full write permissions (not via a Windows shortcut for example)?

I start it through link in Start menu. The same results if i run it directly from "C:\Program Files (x86)\tmssoftware\UpdateBuilder".

You have write permissions to this folder?

Yes I have write permission but Windows allows change of system directories only if program is run as administrator. If I run UpdateBuilder as administrator the behaviour is same.

I'm running out of ideas.
This would need to be checked with logging to see why what exactly is happening.
You should normally find the download in the Windows TEMP folder if the EXE wasn't replaced and you can as such get it from there.

Today morning I run the process again without problem. There is typo above, newest version is I have repeated whole process by uninstalling UpdateBuilder, installing again version After first run software detected that there is newer version available and updated without problem. Really don't know why yesterday update process was repeatedly failing.

Diskspace issue?

Most probably the reason was I had opened UpdateBuilder pdf documentation in Adobe Reader. Because the file was locked it could not be updated.