I can reproduce the issue both at work and at home.
Make sure you do not set the search footer visible property to true from the ide before running the project.
Setup at work and home are differents so I dont think it's computer / software specific.
What I do is make a new VCL app. Drop a grid and button. I add an onclick event for the button to toggle the search footer and it doesn't work when I spam click the button.
I can confirm I have the most recent Component Pack Version.
I'll include the dfm definition for the grid if it can be of any help (it's all default properties):
object AdvStringGrid1: TAdvStringGrid
Left = 168
Top = 88
Width = 400
Height = 250
Cursor = crDefault
DrawingStyle = gdsClassic
Font.Color = clWindowText
Font.Height = -11
Font.Name = 'Tahoma'
Font.Style = []
ParentFont = False
ScrollBars = ssBoth
TabOrder = 1
HoverRowCells = [hcNormal, hcSelected]
ActiveCellFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
ActiveCellFont.Color = clWindowText
ActiveCellFont.Height = -11
ActiveCellFont.Name = 'Tahoma'
ActiveCellFont.Style = [fsBold]
ControlLook.FixedGradientHoverFrom = clGray
ControlLook.FixedGradientHoverTo = clWhite
ControlLook.FixedGradientDownFrom = clGray
ControlLook.FixedGradientDownTo = clSilver
ControlLook.DropDownHeader.Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
ControlLook.DropDownHeader.Font.Color = clWindowText
ControlLook.DropDownHeader.Font.Height = -11
ControlLook.DropDownHeader.Font.Name = 'Tahoma'
ControlLook.DropDownHeader.Font.Style = []
ControlLook.DropDownHeader.Visible = True
ControlLook.DropDownHeader.Buttons = <>
ControlLook.DropDownFooter.Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
ControlLook.DropDownFooter.Font.Color = clWindowText
ControlLook.DropDownFooter.Font.Height = -11
ControlLook.DropDownFooter.Font.Name = 'Tahoma'
ControlLook.DropDownFooter.Font.Style = []
ControlLook.DropDownFooter.Visible = True
ControlLook.DropDownFooter.Buttons = <>
Filter = <>
FilterDropDown.Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
FilterDropDown.Font.Color = clWindowText
FilterDropDown.Font.Height = -11
FilterDropDown.Font.Name = 'Tahoma'
FilterDropDown.Font.Style = []
FilterDropDown.TextChecked = 'Checked'
FilterDropDown.TextUnChecked = 'Unchecked'
FilterDropDownClear = '(All)'
FilterEdit.TypeNames.Strings = (
'Starts with'
'Ends with'
'Not contains'
'Not equal'
'Larger than'
'Smaller than'
FixedRowHeight = 22
FixedFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
FixedFont.Color = clWindowText
FixedFont.Height = -11
FixedFont.Name = 'Tahoma'
FixedFont.Style = [fsBold]
FloatFormat = '%.2f'
HoverButtons.Buttons = <>
HoverButtons.Position = hbLeftFromColumnLeft
HTMLSettings.ImageFolder = 'images'
HTMLSettings.ImageBaseName = 'img'
PrintSettings.DateFormat = 'dd/mm/yyyy'
PrintSettings.Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
PrintSettings.Font.Color = clWindowText
PrintSettings.Font.Height = -11
PrintSettings.Font.Name = 'Tahoma'
PrintSettings.Font.Style = []
PrintSettings.FixedFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
PrintSettings.FixedFont.Color = clWindowText
PrintSettings.FixedFont.Height = -11
PrintSettings.FixedFont.Name = 'Tahoma'
PrintSettings.FixedFont.Style = []
PrintSettings.HeaderFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
PrintSettings.HeaderFont.Color = clWindowText
PrintSettings.HeaderFont.Height = -11
PrintSettings.HeaderFont.Name = 'Tahoma'
PrintSettings.HeaderFont.Style = []
PrintSettings.FooterFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
PrintSettings.FooterFont.Color = clWindowText
PrintSettings.FooterFont.Height = -11
PrintSettings.FooterFont.Name = 'Tahoma'
PrintSettings.FooterFont.Style = []
PrintSettings.PageNumSep = '/'
SearchFooter.FindNextCaption = 'Find &next'
SearchFooter.FindPrevCaption = 'Find &previous'
SearchFooter.Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
SearchFooter.Font.Color = clWindowText
SearchFooter.Font.Height = -11
SearchFooter.Font.Name = 'Tahoma'
SearchFooter.Font.Style = []
SearchFooter.HighLightCaption = 'Highlight'
SearchFooter.HintClose = 'Close'
SearchFooter.HintFindNext = 'Find next occurrence'
SearchFooter.HintFindPrev = 'Find previous occurrence'
SearchFooter.HintHighlight = 'Highlight occurrences'
SearchFooter.MatchCaseCaption = 'Match case'
SearchFooter.ResultFormat = '(%d of %d)'
SortSettings.DefaultFormat = ssAutomatic
Version = ''