TWebUpdate in Delphi 12?

The TWebUpdate PDF documentation does not mention Delphi 12 among the supported IDE versions:

Is TWebUpdate not fully supported in Delphi 12?

TWebUpdate is Delphi 12 compatible, it's not reflected in the documentation yet.

Thank you for the information.

Why don't you update the documentation? Even the old Delphi 11 is not mentioned in the list of supported Delphi IDEs.

We are in the process of moving to online documentation so we'll definitely take that into account.

Thank you for the information. How will the "Online documentation" be accessed?

I have been informed by developers using the extensive DevExpress VCL library, that when you press the F1 key with a DevExpress component selected in the Delphi IDE Form Designer this immediately opens the documentation of the selected DevExpress component!

Is a similar feature also planned for the TMS library? If that would be the case, I would continue my subscription for TMS ALL ACCESS.

Right now, the documentation can be accessed here:

The possibility is there to access pages for components separately. Right now, you can right-click the components that have online documentation and click on "Documentation"