TWebTreeView and keyboard handling

Couple of questions about TWebTreeView.

One item (also reported in TWebTreeView and scrolling). A TWebTreeView when displayed in a fixed size div and when expanded to be taller than the div will properly show scrollbars. If you select, say, the top node and expand so that the treeview is taller than the div (and the scrollbars appear), then cursor down to the bottom of the tree, your cursor will disappear beyond the bottom of the div. Would be much better if the div would automatically scroll to where your cursor is so that it is always visible.

Another item is the cursor-left behaviour. I've got a tree with a bunch of nodes, each with a bunch of children (two levels). Starting with everything collapsed, hitting cursor-right repeatedly will expand and collapse the node. All good. Hitting cursor-left will also expand and collapse the node, but if you start with the node collapsed and hit cursor-left, it expands the node but then cursor-down will skip to the next node rather than descend into the child nodes. This is different than if you hit cursor-right on a collapsed node and then hit cursor down. Similarly, if you're on a child node and hit cursor-left, nothing happens, whereas one might expect the node to collapse or to at least navigate to the parent node.

I can address the cursor-left on a child node issue by implementing it specifically in the OnKey event of the Treeview, but I can't seem to correct the behaviour of cursor-left on the parent node.