TWebFormClass = class of TWebForm is included in Component Library Source\WEBLib.Forms.pas
but missing from Core Source\WEBLib.Forms.pas
. (although it is defined in Core Source\WebLib.SideMenu.pas
We will add it for the next update.
Strange, if I add the unit that uses it to the project, then it compiles without any problems
Because it is declared in WEBLib.SideMenu.pas
We'll remove it from there.
Ok, although I don't use that.
Then I totally not understanding what you are trying to say.
You say : "if I add the unit that uses it"
What exact unit is it then?
I have a unit (smx.web.baseform.pas) which contains my base webform class TsmxWebFormBase = class(TWebForm)
. This has methods with an arguement for a TWebFormClass - TsmxWebFormBase .ShowPopup(AForm: TWebFormClass);
This unit is on the search path. If it is added to the project, then the project builds without any issues,. If it is just accessed from the search path then it says that TWebFormClass is not recognised.
We have seen this issue. Next update will address this.
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