TWebDBLookUpCombo with no ListSource

I think this is a new behaviour as I can't remember encountering this in a previous WebCore version.

I have a TWebDBLookUpCombo where the lookup list is created in code using Control.LookupValues.AddPair(id, value) so there is no LookupSource set.

So in the procedure TDBLookupComboBox.Change this causes an exception on FListLink.DataSet.DisableControls; as it doesn't check whether a lookuplist is set.

I have a series of dropdowns that are just Yes/No options but have differing values needed, so having a list dataset for each one seems quite heavy.

Thanks for reporting.
We applied an extra check for this. This will be improved in the next update.

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A quick workaround - drop on a TWebClientDataset and TWebDatasource and link that up to the ListSource. No need to create fields and no need to open the dataset.

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