TWebCopy bug in SFTP mode

HI, detect a error In function SFTPGetList (line 4723) i find a error.

  • Line 4968: function Pos(fns,'*.'):

"fns" is a variable on set the directory with a mask. In these line, in the pos function, it search if exists these mask in the first position (.), but in the code, it is backwards.
Correction: Pos('
.', fns):

  • Line 5008: function Pos(FDir, '*.'):

The same case, the code is backwards. The substring (the mask in this case) is the first position in the pos function. In the code, it is backward.
Correction: Pos('*.', FDir):


Thank you for reporting. We've fixed it internally and the next version will contain the necessary changes.

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