TTMSFNCWXPDFViewer to draw a marquee selection

Hi everyone,

I am in the process of developing an application that allows users to insert an image into a PDF file. The user will have the ability to specify the exact position within the PDF where they want the image to be inserted.

My question is, can I utilize TTMSFNCWXPDFViewer to enable users to make their selection and retrieve the selected position, and subsequently, can I use TTMSFNCPDFLib to insert the image at the user-specified location?

Thank you!


Unfortunately with TTMSNCWXPDFViewer you cannot make any selections. Even if we were to expand the TTMSNCWXPDFViewer with that capability, you cannot modify existing PDF files with TTMSFNCPDFLib.

Hi Tunde,

Thank you for the confirmation. I suppose I should consider other solutions for this :slightly_smiling_face: