TTMSFNCTaskDialog DefaultRadioButton bug?


I don't know if this is a bug. I tested TTMSFNCTaskDialog with radiobuttons.

Test 1:

  TaskDialog.InputType    := titCustom; // titEdit titDate titCustom titNone

  var mr: TModalResult := TaskDialog.Execute;
  case mr of
       Result := TaskDialog.RadioButtonResult;

This works well:
-The default radio button is the 'First'
-If I chose 'First', I get back 0
-If I chose 'Second', I get back 1

Test 2:
The same code above, just with this modification:

  TaskDialog.DefaultRadioButton := 1;

This doesn't work well:
-The default radio button is the 'Second' as expected
-If I click immediately on OK button while the default 'Second' is selected I get back 0 !!
-If I chose 'First', I get back 0
-I get back 1 for the Second only if I click on First then click on Second

Thank you very much!


Thank you for reporting this, we were able to reproduce it and applied a fix. The next version will contain the necessary changes.

Please check your private messages for an incremental source update.

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Thank you very much!

Hello Tünde,

I downloaded the new Beta (for the Memo component) and this DefaultRadioButton bug returned :-(

Hi Zsolt,

It's most likely the beta does not contain the latest sources as it was released before the DefaultRadioButton bug was fixed.
For now you'll need to use the latest sources I sent you a while ago or you can also wait for the release this week if it's not urgent.