TTMSFNCRibbonToolBar - TLabeledEdit

If you put TLabeledEdit on TTMSFNCRibbonToolBar and you try to reduce the main window so that TMSFNCRibbonToolBar1->Compact = true then a runtime error occurs"...raised exception class EListError with message 'List index out of bounds (3). TList range is 0..2'.". Yes, of course I can use TMSFNCLabelEdit1 where this problem does not occur.

This is unfortunately reproducible with TPanel & TLabeledEdit as a child, with the following code:

procedure TForm9.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  I: Integer;
  for I := Panel1.ControlCount - 1 downto 0 do
    Panel1.Controls[I].Parent := nil;

So unfortunately this is a bug in VCL. We'll report this to Embarcadero.

You can track the bug here:

Thanks LabeledEdit, I replaced MaskEdit. I don't want to be annoying, but one more observation. TTMSFNCRibbonPageControlContainer (TMSFNCRibbon1PageControlPage0->Stroke) has a strange line overlap under the Page 1 text. Is this intentional or can it be set somewhere? In my opinion, it should look like in the case of TabSheet2 where the line continues to the line around the TAB.


We have improved the border drawing, next version will address this.
Thanks for reporting!

Thank you Pieter for version now the border is drawn correctly .

Thanks for the feedback!

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