TTMSFNCComboBox Images


A bitmap container can be assigned but I see no way of setting the Image to use. How can this be done?




TTMSFNCComboBox supports MiniHTML but it will only show up in the dropdown. I'd also suggest to only use this if your TTMSFNCComboBox is set to csDropDownList, otherwise you'll see the whole HTML shown in the edit field when you select an item.

By assigning a BitmapContainer, you can just use the name of the bitmap in the src attribute of the img tag:

<img src="myimage"/>My item

We'll put this down on our todo list to see if there is a way to improve this for csDropDown and/or to have the image displayed when the item is selected.

Thanks Tunde,

I should have guessed that!

One other thing, how can I get the combobox edit (not the dropdown) to be white?



Do you mean the edit field only (excluding the dropdown button)?
It should be white by default. Are you using FMX with styles or did you enable the AdaptToStyle property?

Thanks. Setting the DefaultStyle to false resolves the problem.