TTMSFNCColorPicker OnColorSelected event in Delphi 11 differs from Delphi 12

I'm using TTMSFNCColorPicker in a project, and opening it in both Delphi 11 y 12.
The OnColorSelect event uses different data types for the AColor argument.

This is Delphi11:
procedure TMyFormcpFillColorSelected(Sender: TObject; AColor: TColor);

This is Delphi 12:
procedure TMyForm.cpFillColorSelected(Sender: TObject; AColor: TTMSFNCGraphicsColor);

11 : TColor
12 : TTMSFNCGraphicsColor
Any workaround ?

Many Color properties used in dfm also cause errors when opening project.



TTMSFNCGraphicsColor is just a mapping on TColor (VCL) & TAlphaColor (FMX). Not sure why in Delphi 12 it is mapped differently. Did you install all packages (designtime & runtime)?

Additionally, it's possible that older projects created in Delphi 11 will not be compatible with Delphi 12, apparently Delphi 12 does not replace type aliases anymore. So you'll need to manually fix, or create a new project in Delphi 12.

It's too weird.
It affects FNCUIPack / Demos / VCL / Pickers.

When I open the project in Delphi12 without touching anything, I can build and run it. The OnColorSelected event is declared with AColor: TColor .

If I clear the event, and create it again, it is created with AColor: TTMSFNCGraphicsColor .