Again - events in Delphi12 - now with TAdvCheckedTreeView

Hi ...

It happened again ... now with TAdvCheckedTreeView.
The same as in TTMSFNCColorPicker OnColorSelected event in Delphi 11 differs from Delphi 12


Delphi 11:
(Sender: TObject; ANode: TAdvTreeViewVirtualNode; AColumn: Integer; AInplaceEditor: TWinControl; ACancelled: Boolean; var ACanClose: Boolean)

(Sender: TObject; ANode: TAdvTreeViewVirtualNode; AColumn: Integer; AInplaceEditor: TAdvTreeViewInplaceEditor; ACancelled: Boolean; var ACanClose: Boolean)

Delphi 11:
(Sender: TObject; ANode: TAdvTreeViewVirtualNode; AColumn: Integer; AInplaceEditor: TWinControl)

(Sender: TObject; ANode: TAdvTreeViewVirtualNode; AColumn: Integer; AInplaceEditor: TAdvTreeViewInplaceEditor)`

Same question: Is there a global workaround apart from using IFDEFs everywhere? Do you know if is there something that can be tunrned on or off in Delphi 12/11 to avoid it ?


This seems to be an new thing in Delphi 12. To me, Delphi 12 applies the correct type alias, we have defined in our code. So this unfortunately will be an incompatbility between Delphi 12 and older versions.

There is one comment that talks about event mapping, but unfortunately that something that we cannot do, because of the vast majority of type aliases we use in FMX & VCL.

In 12 we have implemented a new feature to allow customization of the event parameters type mapping.

We have added a new file EventsMapping.tma that allow define mapping for types aliases.
The file is already filled w/ alias used in the VCL/RTL and can be customized for adding third party types.
You can locate file EventsMapping.tma on common AppData folder (C:\Users\Test\AppData\Roaming\Embarcadero\BDS\23.0)
Close the IDE, edit it, and restart the IDE for the changes to take effects