TTMSFMXRichEditorMiniHTMLIO stream issues

I have a text file containing just <b>Hello world!</b> as unicode text.

I load it from file via TMSFMXRichEditorMiniHTMLIO.Load(filename,TEncoding.unicode);
It renders fine as bold text in the editor.
Then I save it from the editor as text using TMSFMXRichEditor.SaveToText(filename,TEncoding.unicode);
The file contains: Hello world!
Thats correct.

I load the same text first into a memory stream and load it from there via
It renders fine as bold text in the editor.
Then I save it from the editor as text using TMSFMXRichEditor.SaveToText(filename,TEncoding.unicode);
The file contains: ?Hello world!
Thats not correct.

The text property (TMSFMXRichEditor.text) returns also the unicode BOM, which should not be, and I believe thats the cause of the stream issue too.

So when the editor contains a unicode text, a=nf I get it with s:=TMSFMXRichEditor.text, s contains #$FEFF'Hello World'#$D#$A instead of 'Hello world'#$D#$A

It is unclear how you do this.
There is no overload of the TMSFMXRichEditorHTMLIO.Load() function where you can specify the encoding, so how you use this is unclear.
Also, I tested TMSFMXRichEditor.Text: string and checked the byte stream returning from this propery and it doesn't contain a BOM marker (even after first loading a text file with BOM marker)

To replicate, drop TMSFMXRichEditorMiniHTMLIO and TMSFMXRichEditor on a form and execute the code below. Check what you get in the variable 's' and whats in the text file. I get the unicode BOM in 's' and the textfile has a questionmark. As you see, there IS an overload function to select encoding...

sl.Text:='<b>Hello World</b>';



Thanks for this extra clarification that helped us trace & solve this issue. It came down to a problem with the Delphi class TStringStream but we've implemented a workaround for this issue. The next update will have this fix.

Thank you! Thats very much appreciated!