

I'm using a TTmsFmxPopup in oder to show a treeview used like a TPopupMenu. A Click on a TreeviewItem opens a new form.

I got an issue since the last update of the TmsPack i made : when the form is closed, an exception is raised.

I'm working on Delphi XE5 Update 2 with TmsPack for firemokey The previous tmspack uses was version 2.3.1.

I checked differences between the two versions and i found a difference in the TTMSFMXPopup.DoClose procedure, FPopupForm is not destroyed in the same way :
- : TForm(FPopupForm).Free;
- : TForm(FPopupForm).Release;

Kind regards.


I'm pleased to see, this issue has been corrected in the last TmsPack update ( But there is still a problem on TTmsFmxPopup :

FPopupForm is destroyed, but never set to nil, so if a property like width or height is changed after a first showing of the popup, an exception is raised.

Kind regards.


We have investigated this here and applied an improvement for this.
The next version will address this.

Kind Regards, 