Popup and enabling

When I use a popup, the controls appear to be disabled, or not working somehow. Could you tell me why?

The code below is a simple form, with two panels and a button. The panel always visible shows a radio button and edit that work all the time - I can click in the edit and type. Click the button to show the popup, and it too has a radio button and edit, but the radio is shown different to normal (but clicks) and the edit here does not allow typing. 
I used Codesite to compare the properties, but it shows nothing significant. 

How do I get the components to work on the popup please? 

unit Unit2;


  SysUtils, Types, UITypes, Classes, Variants, FMX_Types, FMX_Controls, FMX_Forms,
  FMX_Dialogs, FMX_TMSBaseControl, FMX_TMSPopup, FMX_Edit;

  TForm2 = class(TForm)
PopupDemo: TTMSFMXPopup;
    panelPopup: TPanel;
    radioPopup: TRadioButton;
    radioForm: TRadioButton;
    Button1: TButton;
panelForm: TPanel;
    StyleBook1: TStyleBook;
editForm: TEdit;
    editPopup: TEdit;
procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
    { Private declarations }
    { Public declarations }

  Form2: TForm2;


{$IFDEF Codesite}
uses CodesiteLogging;

procedure TForm2.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
{$IFDEF Codesite}
Codesite.Send('editPopup', editPopup);
Codesite.Send('editForm', editForm);
Codesite.Send('panelPopup', panelPopup);
Codesite.Send('panelForm', panelForm);
Codesite.Send('PopupDemo', PopupDemo);

{$R *.lfm}


object Form2: TForm2
  Left = 0
  Top = 0
  Caption = 'Form2'
  ClientHeight = 480
  ClientWidth = 320
  Visible = False
  StyleBook = StyleBook1
  StyleLookup = 'backgroundstyle'
  object PopupDemo: TTMSFMXPopup
    Position.Point = '(64,48)'
    Width = 190.000000000000000000
    Height = 250.000000000000000000
    TabOrder = 0
    AutoPosition = False
    DetailControl = panelPopup
    Placement = plBottomCenter
    PlacementTarget = Button1
    HeaderButtons = <>
    FooterButtons = <>
    FooterText = 'Footer'
    HeaderText = 'Header'
    FooterHeight = 24.000000000000000000
    HeaderHeight = 24.000000000000000000
    ArrowHeight = 11.000000000000000000
    ArrowWidth = 23.000000000000000000
    Version = ''
    object panelPopup: TPanel
      Position.Point = '(8,56)'
      Width = 177.000000000000000000
      Height = 145.000000000000000000
      Visible = False
      TabOrder = 0
      object radioPopup: TRadioButton
        Position.Point = '(24,24)'
        Width = 120.000000000000000000
        Height = 19.000000000000000000
        TabOrder = 0
        Text = 'radioPopup'
      object editPopup: TEdit
        Position.Point = '(32,80)'
        Width = 100.000000000000000000
        Height = 22.000000000000000000
        TabOrder = 2
        KeyboardType = vktDefault
        Password = False
  object Button1: TButton
    Position.Point = '(120,16)'
    Width = 80.000000000000000000
    Height = 22.000000000000000000
    OnClick = Button1Click
    TabOrder = 1
    Text = 'Button1'
  object panelForm: TPanel
    Position.Point = '(144,320)'
    Width = 120.000000000000000000
    Height = 100.000000000000000000
    TabOrder = 2
    object radioForm: TRadioButton
      Position.Point = '(8,33)'
      Width = 120.000000000000000000
      Height = 19.000000000000000000
      TabOrder = 0
      Text = 'radioForm'
    object editForm: TEdit
      Position.Point = '(8,64)'
      Width = 100.000000000000000000
      Height = 22.000000000000000000
      TabOrder = 2
      KeyboardType = vktDefault
      Password = False
  object StyleBook1: TStyleBook
    Resource.Strings = (
      'object _1: TLayout'
      '  Align = alClient'
      '  Position.Point = '#39'(0,33)'#39
      '  Width = 452.000000000000000000'
      '  Height = 784.000000000000000000'
      '  object TLayout'
      '    StyleName = '#39'RadioButtonstyle'#39
      '    Position.Point = '#39'(166,382)'#39
      '    Width = 121.000000000000000000'
      '    Height = 21.000000000000000000'
      '    object TLayout'
      '      Align = alLeft'
      '      Width = 20.000000000000000000'
      '      Height = 21.000000000000000000'
      '      object TEllipse'
      '        StyleName = '#39'background'#39
      '        Align = alCenter'
      '        Position.Point = '#39'(2,3)'#39
      '        Locked = True'
      '        Width = 15.000000000000000000'
      '        Height = 15.000000000000000000'
      '        HitTest = False'
      '        Fill.Kind = bkGradient'
      '        Fill.Gradient.Points = <'
      '          item'
      '            Color = claWhite'
      '          end'
      '          item'
      '            Color = xFFD9D9D9'
      '            Offset = 1.000000000000000000'
      '          end>'
      '        Stroke.Color = xFF424242'
      '        object TEllipse'
      '          Align = alCenter'
      '          Locked = True'
      '          Width = 15.000000000000000000'
      '          Height = 15.000000000000000000'
      '          Opacity = 0.001000000047497451'
      '          HitTest = False'
      '          Fill.Kind = bkGradient'
      '          Fill.Gradient.Points = <'
      '            item'
      '              Color = xFF373737'
      '            end'
      '            item'
      '              Color = xFF838383'
      '              Offset = 1.000000000000000000'
      '            end>'
      '          Stroke.Color = xFF242734'
      '          object TFloatAnimation'
      '            Duration = 0.100000001490116100'
      '            Trigger = '#39'IsChecked=true'#39
      '            TriggerInverse = '#39'IsChecked=false'#39
      '            StartValue = 0.001000000047497451'
      '            StopValue = 1.000000000000000000'
      '            PropertyName = '#39'Opacity'#39
      '          end'
      '        end'
      '        object TEllipse'
      '          StyleName = '#39'checkmark'#39
      '          Align = alClient'
      '          Position.Point = '#39'(4,4)'#39
      '          Locked = True'
      '          Width = 7.000000000000000000'
      '          Height = 7.000000000000000000'
      '          Padding.Rect = '#39'(4,4,4,4)'#39
      '          Opacity = 0.001000000047497451'
      '          HitTest = False'
      '          Fill.Kind = bkGradient'
      '          Fill.Gradient.Points = <'
      '            item'
      '              Color = xFFFEFEFE'
      '            end'
      '            item'
      '              Color = xFFDBDBDB'
      '              Offset = 1.000000000000000000'
      '            end>'
      '          Stroke.Kind = bkNone'
      '          object TFloatAnimation'
      '            Duration = 0.100000001490116100'
      '            Trigger = '#39'IsChecked=true'#39
      '            TriggerInverse = '#39'IsChecked=false'#39
      '            StartValue = 0.001000000047497451'
      '            StopValue = 1.000000000000000000'
      '            PropertyName = '#39'Opacity'#39
      '          end'
      '        end'
      '      end'
      '    end'
      '    object TText'
      '      StyleName = '#39'text'#39
      '      Align = alClient'
      '      Position.Point = '#39'(21,2)'#39
      '      Locked = True'
      '      Width = 99.000000000000000000'
      '      Height = 19.000000000000000000'
      '      Padding.Rect = '#39'(1,2,1,0)'#39
      '      HitTest = False'
      '      Text = '#39'RadioButton'#39
      '    end'
      '  end'

We can reproduce this issue here, however, it is unclear what the issue is exactly.

This will be investigated further as soon as possible.

Kind Regards, 
Scheldeman Pieter

Do you think this is likely to be fixed soon? Or should I find another solution? It seemed an ideal use.


We have investigated this here and were able to fix the issue.
There is a property ShowActivated on Form Level that was set to False, to hide the focus (to allow a popup to be shown without losing the focus on the main form.

To fix this issue we have now introduced a new property  ShowActivated that has been set to False by default (to maintain the same behavior) and can be set to True to gain focus on the popup form. This will allow typing in the edit in your sample. This new property will be available in the next release. 

If you want to test earlier or need an urgent fix then you can contact us through direct email with a link to this forum post.

Kind Regards, 
Scheldeman Pieter

So long as it isn't too long to the next update, I can wait. Thanks for identifying it.