TTMSFMXNavBar Styles

Is there a way to quickly adapt the NavBar style as is the case with TTMSFMXGrid?  The Grid has a property AdaptToStyle which is very convenient and it would be nice to have it in the TTMSFMXNavBar.

My use of the NavBar is probably unorthodox because the controls are rather large for a desktop application so I scaled it down about 50% and then I had to scale all docked panels up so that the controls on the docked forms weren't too small.  It works, but probably not the intended use.  I have a GUI similar to DreamWeaver where all the examination windows dock to the right.


The TTMSFMXGrid is currently the only component that supports this and we are currently collecting feedback. As soon as we have allocated time to further investigate this we will expand styling support for other components as well.

Kind Regards, 